
Microsoft Windows News, tips, tricks, configuration help, and troubleshooting.

  • clitools1

    Quick Steps to install SQL 2008 R2 Client Tools in Windows 7

    Most SQL admins or users who need to be able to see DBs on a SQL box or need to run SQL queries from their desktop, will most likely want to have the SQL management tools installed on their workstations.…

  • rras14

    How to configure and setup Windows 2012 VPN

    Windows 2012 continues the iteration of Windows VPN that continues to provided remote access capabilities for network connectivity from the outside.  There have definitely been improvements with Windows 2012 VPN especially in the Direct Access functionality.  We want to show…

  • noshare3

    Windows Server 2012 still missing the shared folder icon

    One of the misnomers of Windows Server 2008 R2 that gave admins fits is the lack of any type of shared folder designation.  If you have a folder with several hundred subfolders in which some are shared and others are not,…

  • wadk1

    Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit replaces WAIK

    For those administrators out there who have been using the Microsoft Automated Installation Kit, there are changes coming down the pipeline with the introduction of Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 having to do with the automated installation kit.  There…

  • localnet1

    Local port printers vs network printers windows 7

    Many get confused when it comes to printer setup on Windows 7 machines and which type of printer they need to setup to the workstation or which type of port they should choose, as in many cases, multiple options will…

  • robofeat

    How to add a file copy progress indicator to scripts

    One of the frustrating things with scripting and copying files is knowing where in the file copy your copy actually is.  Especially if you are copying a very large file that is several gigs, you can definitely benefit from knowing…

  • rmdir1

    How to Delete everything in a directory suppressing errors

    Recently in working with a client who was trying to delete old profiles from a directory, they were running into problems with certain folders in the directory.  After it taking forever to even start the delete process in Windows, when…

  • iisperf1

    How to Tune Performance in IIS 7.5

    In running sites via Microsoft’s IIS Server platform, it becomes necessary from time to time to adjust performance settings to compensate for high load or other demands on the server running IIS server.  IIS 7 is closely tied in with…

  • dism1

    How to Add Drivers to .Wim Images

    If you have created .wim images for deployment in your enterprise environment either by USB key, DVD, local hard drive, or WDS, you know there are times when you need to add a driver to the image to accomodate a…

  • roamingcache1

    How to keep roaming profiles from being cached

    We have covering roaming profiles in a few other posts and as most admins already know, roaming profiles can be a literal nightmare to manage or troubleshoot.  The whole purpose behind roaming profiles is to have a method for your…