
  • pfSense VLAN Cannot Access Internet – A Troubleshooting Guide

    You’re not alone if you’ve set up a pfSense firewall box and created a few VLANs but suddenly find that your VLANs cannot access the internet. This issue is quite common, and there are several reasons why it might be…

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    Palo Alto PA 440 New Firewall Review

    For the past few years now, I have been running the Palo Alto Networks PA 220 in the home lab environment. I have the lab bundle subscription with the PA 220. However, I have seen the PA 220 will no…

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    Pialert Docker Setup – Detecting Rogue Devices connected to the network

    If you are like me, you are constantly looking at new solutions for network security and better visibility to devices connected to your network, including unknown devices. I have been using arpwatch for a few years now, and it has…

  • Step 3 involves naming your network with Twingate

    Twingate Download and configuration – Review of Zero trust VPN

    I am constantly looking at connectivity to the home network, specifically for my home lab network as I do so much work, testing, PoCs, etc., there. With the time constraints I have, the easier a solution is to implement, manage,…

  • Make sure the parent pfSense interface is enabled

    pfSense VLAN to VLAN Routing in VMware ESXi

    One of the basic and core functionalities that you will want to do with a physical or virtual firewall/router is route packets in your network or virtual environment. One of the areas that trip people up is pfSense VLAN to…

  • Viewing the advanced filter log in pfSense

    Segment your VMware Network with pfSense

    There are many firewall solutions out on the market that are great. I am a huge fan of many of the enterprise solutions out there that provide excellent features, powerful robust networking, advanced threat protection, and many others. However, there…

  • Adding a static default route in Palo Alto VM series

    Palo Alto VM Series Basic Interface and Routes configuration in ESXi

    It is now easier than ever to try out a Palo Alto VM series firewall in your home lab environment if you are running VMware vSphere or KVM. Palo Alto now offers a 30-day trial of the VM series firewall…

  • The pfSense dashboard after installing in VMware vSphere

    Deploy pfSense VMware step-by-step

    One of the things I like to play around with in the home lab is firewalls and various firewall configurations that I work with in production environments. Arguably the most popular open-source firewall solution deployed today is pfSense. The pfSense…

  • Synology mobile apps in the Google Play store

    How to access your NAS from anywhere

    Having a NAS in the home network is a great way to create your own “personal cloud” where you can store important files, etc. However, unlike the true public cloud, you have to consider how you can access your NAS…

  • Configure VPN gateway option for an OpenVPN Access Server user

    Connect Two OpenVPN Servers with site-to-site connection

    Do you have the need to connect multiple sites together with freely available software without using proprietary network appliances? OpenVPN provides a great solution that is freely available to those needing a simple and fairly easy (relatively speaking) solution to…