
  • Netmaker wireguard vpn

    Netmaker: Automated Wireguard VPN You Can Self-host

    With the hybrid workforce and hybrid networks spread across on-premises and cloud environments, network connectivity between devices and server resources is important no matter where these are located. A traditional VPN server and VPN connection between clients and resources is…

  • Zerotier connect devices together from anywhere

    ZeroTier Download and Install: Connect Devices Together from Anywhere

    Networking is often one of the most challenging aspects of connecting devices and using applications. It is also extremely important to consider when self-hosting services or connecting devices together that may be connecting to many different networks across the Internet.…

  • Top 7 Netstat commands you need to know

    Top 7 Netstat Commands you need to know

    Netstat is a vital command-line tool utilized by network professionals, system administrators, and those keen to understand their network’s inner workings in Windows or Unix listening ports. It provides insights into network connections, protocols, and network statistics. Let’s dive into…

  • EnGenius access point review cloud wireless for free

    EnGenius Access Point Review: Cloud-managed Wireless

    EnGenius is a brand gaining traction and visibility among many across the landscape of wireless solutions available on the market today. The wireless space is certainly a crowded one with many solutions, vendors, and technologies to choose from, both for…

  • 10 gig switch vs 1 gig vs 2.5 gig

    10 gig switch vs 2.5 gig vs 1 gig: Which do you need?

    There are many choices when it comes to networking in your home lab or in the enterprise. The choices range from 1 Gig switches to multi-gigabit switches that offer speeds of 2.5 Gig and even 10 Gig. These switches are…

  • pfSense Plus vs pfSense CE

    pfSense Plus vs CE: Complete Comparison

    Netgate, the company behind pfSense CE, announced pfSense Plus in 2021, a new version of its popular open-source firewall and router software based on FreeBSD. If you want to run pfSense CE on your own hardware, users can now choose…

  • pfSense Wireguard installation and configuration

    pfSense Wireguard: Setup Fast Open-Source VPN Configuration

    I really like to geek out on free and open-source solutions that allow you to do amazing things, both in the home lab and in production environments. One of my favorite parts of the home lab is the network. If…

  • Ubiquitithumb

    Ubiquiti Discovery Tool Alternative WiFiman Download for Desktop

    If you use Ubiquiti Unifi devices, you may have heard about the Ubiquiti device discovery tool that allows quickly finding Unifi devices on your network with little effort. The tool has several varieties, including a standalone desktop tool and a…

  • pfSense Port Forwarding Setup Guide

    If you’re a home lab enthusiast or a network administrator working on complex configurations, pfSense port forwarding is an essential skill to master. It allows you to configure your pfSense firewall to redirect incoming traffic from specific ports to internal…

  • pfSense Force Safe Search Configuration

    Forcing safe search is a great way to filter unwanted websites for children, families, and other users from sites that may feature mature content. The pfSense open-source firewall is a robust firewall with many enterprise features, including the ability to…