
MineMeld Threat Intelligence Installation in VMware vSphere

A look at MineMeld Threat Intelligence Installation in VMware vSphere. MineMeld is a really cool free utility for aggregating threat intelligence and IOCs

Threat intelligence and threat “hunting” in today’s enterprise datacenter is one of the top priorities among IT engineers. Security is an ever growing concern that organizations are spending major money on. In order to prevent cyberattacks from affecting their environments, many organizations collect what is known as Indicators of Compromise or (IOCs) that provide intelligence gleaned from various threat intelligence providers. Palo Alto networks makes available an open-source application called MineMeld that intelligently aggregates and streamlines the threat intelligence and threat hunting process. In this post, we will look at MineMeld Threat Intelligence Installation in VMware vSphere and look a bit closer at what MineMeld is and the installation process in VMware vSphere.

What is Palo Alto MineMeld?

Palo Alto describes MineMeld is self described as an extensible Threat Intelligence processing framework and the ‘multi-tool’ of threat indicator feeds. It is an extremely flexible tool that allows collecting, aggregating and fltering indicators from many different sources and making them available for use for a variety of providers or Palo Alto Networks security platforms. The cool thing about MineMeld is that it is open source and is contributed to as such.

MineMeld uses three different entities that it calls “nodes” to automate the flow of indicators from source to destination. They include the following:

Miners – Extract indicators from sources of threat intelligence such as threat indicator feeds or services like Palo Alto AutoFocus

Processors – These receive indicators from miners and manage these indicators by providing the ability to aggregate them together, eliminate duplicated indicators, and merge together different sets of metadata for the same indicator.

Outputs – These receive indicators from processor and format them in a way to allow MindMeld to dynamically send the indicators to one or multiple destinations. This can be to a threat intelligence platform like Palo Alto’s AutoFocus or to the firewall itself.

MineMeld Threat Intelligence Installation in VMware vSphere

To install MineMeld, I followed the steps found here in the official documentation to manually provision MineMeld on an Ubuntu 14.04 server (14.04 is the only Ubuntu version mentioned in the docs, haven’t tested whether the packages are available for 16.04 LTS, etc).

After manually spinning up an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server in my VMware vSphere ESXi lab environment, I followed the installation steps very closely from the official walkthrough and things went as expected, no issues, and the commands all completed successfully.  Take a look at the steps to install here:

In the screenshots below, I have consolidated a couple of the steps for showing the process.

Step 1 – Setup IP Tables

Installing Palo Alto MineMeld – Setting up IPTables

Step 2 – Adding the GPG key and Checking the Signature

Adding MineMeld GPG key and checking the signature

Step 3 – Adding the APT repo and installing MineMeld

Adding the MineMeld APT repo and installing MineMeld

Step 4 – Check to see if MineMeld is running

Checking the MineMeld services to see if they are running


Let’s take a look at a quick walk through of the interface and a few areas to note. The interface is really slick and performs well. Things seem to be pretty intuitively arranged and within a few minutes I was able to find my way around to the different areas and configuration that I needed.

After a few minutes the dashboard starts coming to life and the feeds are pulled in, etc.

MineMeld Dashboard

Under the nodes menu, you can see the default nodes that are preinstalled with MindMeld including miners, outputs, and processors.

Default nodes displayed in MineMeld

Under the Config menu, you can see and add Prototypes to the MineMeld configuration.  Prototypes are new miners that can be imported into the MineMeld configuration.  There are tons to be added.

Adding Prototype nodes to MineMeld

The screen below only shows a handful…however, there are many different prototypes that can be added to the configuration.  The Search functionality is also very helpful if you know the name or similar of the prototype you want to add.

MineMeld Prototype listing

Under the Logs menu, you can see the realtime data that is being aggregated from the installed miners.

Logs showing threat intellligence data coming into MineMeld

MineMeld connection graph showing some of the default config connection information.

MineMeld Connection Graph


If you are wanting to dive deeper down the rabbit hole of threat intelligence and threat hunting and remediation, a great tool to start getting your feet wet is the MineMeld utility that is a free download.  I found the installation was extremely easy with the documented steps and running this in an Ubuntu 14.04 VM inside of VMware vSphere worked as expected – rock solid.  I am looking forward to integrating this tool into the home lab and network intelligence that I already have in place.  Stay tuned for more posts and information along the way covering MineMeld and further configuration.

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Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at, and a 7-time VMware vExpert, with over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.

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