home lab

Top 5 Home Lab Server Backup Solutions

Explore the top 5 home lab server backup solutions, from free to open source options, 3-2-1 strategy, NFR licenses, secure offsite backups


  • However, some run their labs in a “production” fashion with certain workloads they do not want to lose or have to recreate all the work and effort it took to configure or install a solution.
  • Let’s explore the top five backup solutions for your home lab server to guide you in building an effective backup system, ensuring the safety and longevity of your data.
  • These licenses are a boon for IT professionals who want to test and explore the full features of these commercial backup solutions in their home labs without incurring any cost.

If you are like me and have many workloads running in your home lab environment that you deem “critical,” having these backed up is extremely important. For me, it is not so much the data critical as it is the amount of time it would take to recreate specific configurations. However, backup solutions are generally not cheap in themselves. How can we effectively back up our home lab environments using cost-effective solutions? Let’s explore the top five backup solutions for your home lab server to guide you in building an effective backup system, ensuring the safety and longevity of your data.

Are Backups needed for home lab environments?

Many may be thinking – are backups needed for one server and even more elaborate environments? This is a great question and generally comes down to your specific homelab setup. If losing data in your lab environment is a risk you will take, then backups are not generally needed.

It depends on your use case

Many view their labs as simply a “rinse and repeat” type environment where data loss is expected. However, some run their labs in a “production” fashion with certain workloads they do not want to lose or have to recreate all the work and effort it took to configure or install a solution. In these cases, backups are certainly something that you can benefit from.

What are backups?

Backups allow you to restore data and configurations that may be lost if you have a server or other failure that leads to data loss. Backups are generally stored in a separate environment or on another device outside your lab. You don’t want to have “all your eggs in a single basket” with your backups.

Also, most modern backup solutions allow backing up virtual machines like a Windows VM or Linux VM that may serve resources or host other things like Docker configuration or file storage.

Leveraging NFR Licenses: Smart Savings for Your Home Lab

For tech enthusiasts and IT professionals alike, maintaining a home lab can sometimes strain the wallet. Costs can stack up quickly between investing in hardware, paying for electricity, and managing licensing fees for proprietary software. One smart strategy to help alleviate these financial pressures, particularly regarding software, is utilizing Not for Resale (NFR) licenses whenever possible.

What are NFR licenses?

Software vendors typically provide NFR licenses to their partners, resellers, or reviewers for testing and demonstration purposes. However, many vendors also extend NFR licenses to certified professionals or those studying to become certified. This makes NFR licenses a fantastic resource for home labs.

Companies like Veeam, NAKIVO, BDRSuite, and others offer NFR licenses for their respective backup solutions. Veeam, for instance, provides free NFR licenses for many of their products, including Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam ONE. These licenses are a boon for IT professionals who want to test and explore the full features of these commercial backup solutions in their home labs without incurring any cost.

However, remember that NFR licenses come with certain restrictions. They are typically limited to non-production environments, and their duration can vary, often lasting for one year before needing renewal. Despite these minor caveats, NFR licenses are an excellent tool in a home lab setup, especially for those looking to get acquainted with enterprise-level backup solutions without any initial financial investment.

Understanding the 3-2-1 Backup Strategy: A Key to Robust Data Protection

The 3-2-1 backup strategy stands as a universally accepted best practice. This approach involves maintaining three copies of your data stored on two different media types, with one of these backups stored offsite.

Here’s how it works: The ‘three‘ in this strategy refers to the total copies of your data. This includes the original data and two backups. It’s crucial to remember that these should be full copies of your data, including all files, databases, and system configuration details of your home lab servers.

The ‘two‘ in this rule ensures that you store your data backups on two different types of media or systems. For instance, you might keep one backup on your local NAS and another on a dedicated backup server. This strategy increases the reliability of your backup system by offering redundancy and mitigating the risk of hardware or system failure.

Finally, the ‘one‘ denotes one backup stored offsite. Offsite can mean anything from a remote data center to cloud storage solutions like Google Drive. The key point here is geographical diversity. By storing a backup offsite, you safeguard your data from potential disasters at your primary location, such as fire, theft, or floods.

3 2 1 backup solutions offer best practice protection
3 2 1 backup solutions offer best practice protection

What are the benefits of 3-2-1 backup design for a home lab?

Applying the 3-2-1 strategy in your home lab backup setup is not just about following best practices; it’s about ensuring that no matter what goes wrong, you always have a secure, accessible copy of your data. This is particularly important in a home lab setup, where experimentation often leads to scenarios where quick and reliable data restoration is needed. Maintaining multiple copies of your data, including an offsite backup, creates a safety net that can save you hours of reconfiguration and data loss in case something goes wrong.

Remember, no single backup solution is 100% fail-proof. Therefore, employing a layered approach like the 3-2-1 backup strategy mitigates these risks and provides a robust, fail-safe setup. Be it your VMs, databases, personal files, or system configuration settings; the 3-2-1 strategy ensures that your home lab data is well-protected, giving you the freedom to create, test, and innovate without the looming fear of data loss.

Top 5 home lab server backup solutions

Let’s look at the following 5 solutions (not ordered in best to worst, but rather in terms of cost, features & functionality, and depending on what virtualization platform you are using.

1. Synology Active Backup for Business: An All-Inclusive Package

Synology Active Backup for Business is a powerful, comprehensive backup solution. What’s more, it is free for Synology owners! Since many home labbers run Synology equipment, this may be a no-brainer backup solution to backup your VMware or Hyper-V environment or physical servers/PCs you are running.

The centralized dashboard enables you to manage and monitor physical servers, virtual machines, and even cloud services, making it a superb fit for diverse home lab setups.

Synology Active Backup is totally free for Synology owners
Synology Active Backup is totally free for Synology owners

Active Backup features

It provides integration with Synology’s DiskStation as the backup repository and ensures high data redundancy, further solidifying its reputation as a reliable backup solution. It can also backup VMware vSphere (including vSphere 8 with the latest release), Hyper-V, and physical workstations/Servers.

Adding a hypervisor connection in Synology Active Backup
Adding a hypervisor connection in Synology Active Backup

2. BDRSuite, NAKIVO, and Veeam: A Trio of Robust Backup Solutions

Next in line, we have a powerful trio of great backup solutions with unique capabilities and features – BDRSuite, NAKIVO, and Veeam. I have used each one of these solutions in both production and home lab environments, and they all are great solutions.

The BDRSuite, on the other hand, is a comprehensive backup solution offering myriad capabilities for your VMware, Hyper-V, Xen, and a wide range of cloud SaaS environments. From performing backups and restorations to managing replications, the BDRSuite has you covered.

BDRSuite Unified Data Protection
BDRSuite Unified Data Protection

NAKIVO is all about simplicity and cost-effectiveness. It offers reliable backups, efficient replication, and streamlined disaster recovery for various environments, including VMware, Hyper-V, and AWS EC2. This wide coverage ensures that your home lab’s diverse systems are adequately protected.

NAKIVO Backup & Replication dashboard.

NAKIVO Backup Replication dashboard
NAKIVO Backup Replication dashboard

Veeam Backup is renowned for its versatility, user-friendliness, and compatibility with various operating systems. This software solution can back up data from Windows VMs, Linux machines, and even physical servers, enhancing its value proposition.

Veeam Backup and Replication console
Veeam Backup and Replication console

3. Proxmox Backup Server: A Powerhouse of Features

Many in the home lab use Proxmox, a powerful, fully-featured open-source hypervisor.

Proxmox is a popular home lab solution
Proxmox is a popular home lab solution

Proxmox Backup Server is an open-source server solution that offers secure data protection at a fraction of the cost of commercial options. It enables you to back up and restore virtual machines, containers, and even physical hosts running on QEMU hypervisors like Proxmox.

Proxmox stands out with its diverse backup offerings, including snapshot, full, and incremental backups. A standout feature is its deduplication functionality that ensures optimal use of your backup repository’s storage space. Its open-source nature allows for continuous improvements and feature additions from a thriving community of users and developers.

Proxmox Backup Server
Proxmox Backup Server

4. XCP-ng Xen Orchestra Backup: The VM Management Maestro

Another great open-source hypervisor that is popular for home labbers is XCP-NG. It is a great solution that provides many enterprise features and capabilities when coupled with Xen Orchestra.

XCP NG open source Xen server
XCP NG open source Xen server

XCP-ng Xen Orchestra is a potent choice for those who heavily utilize Xen Server installations in their home labs. This web-based interface empowers you to manage your virtual machines (VMs) efficiently and has a robust backup feature.

Xen Orchestra distinguishes itself with its full VM backup, delta backup (incremental), and continuous replication functionalities. These capabilities provide powerful disaster recovery measures that help safeguard your data. Furthermore, the flexibility of backing up to a remote on any storage system accessible by the host expands its scope. It makes it a reliable solution for diverse home lab setups.

Xen Orchestra open source XCP ng management solution
Xen Orchestra open source XCP ng management solution

Check out my post on Xen Orchestra installation and configuration here: Xen Orchestra.

5. Custom Scripts and Workstation Backup Solutions: Flexibility at Its Best

If customization and control are at the top of your priority list, creating custom scripts and using workstation backup solutions can be optimal. Solutions like rsync, BorgBackup, or Duplicati can provide excellent flexibility and customization options. Depending on your unique requirements, these tools can be configured to back up specific files, directories, and even entire systems.

This do-it-yourself method can be a cost-effective and efficient way to secure your data. Moreover, the learning curve associated with these solutions can give you a more profound understanding of backup processes, making you more self-reliant in managing and restoring your backups.

Many use VMware Workstation, Virtualbox, or another type 2 hypervisor in their lab environment. With these solutions, you will likely need scripting to back up your VMs and there are many available on the web and in community forums.

There is also a commercial solution I have written about that is engineered to allow you to back up VMware Workstation VMs while these are running. It is called BackupChain. Read my walkthrough of the product here:

Perform Live Backups of VMware Workstation Virtual Machines – Virtualization Howto

Backup Chain provides a solution for backing up VMware Workstation
Backup Chain provides a solution for backing up VMware Workstation

Leverage cloud storage locations for offsite?

Many home labbers may have data they deem critical enough to truly store offsite, in line with the 3-2-1 backup best practice. If so, many of the solutions mentioned already offer the ability to store a copy of your data in an S3 or Azure Blob storage location. Cloud archival storage is generally “cheap and deep” and is a great way to protect your data offsite.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Free Backup Solutions for My Home Lab Server?

Yes, indeed! Several free and open-source backup solutions can perfectly suit a home lab setup. Solutions like Proxmox Backup Server and XCP-ng Xen Orchestra Backup provide comprehensive backup features for virtual machines (VMs) and are cost-effective alternatives. Moreover, you can leverage NFR licenses offered by vendors like Veeam for testing and learning purposes.

How Can I Ensure the Security of My Backup Data?

To secure your backup data, consider encryption at rest and in transit. Many backup solutions, including Veeam Backup & Replication and NAKIVO, offer robust encryption features. Additionally, follow best practices such as regularly updating your software, using strong passwords, and limiting access to your backup repositories.

Can I Test My Backups Without Impacting My Production Environment?

Yes, many backup solutions allow for “sandbox” or isolated testing of backups without impacting your production environment. This means you can restore a backup to a temporary location, test it, and delete it afterward without affecting your running systems.

What are the Benefits of Offsite Backups?

Offsite backups are a cornerstone of the 3-2-1 backup strategy, safeguarding against local disasters such as fire, theft, or hardware failures. Storing backups offsite in a remote data center or cloud services like Google Drive ensures you have an accessible copy of your data, even in worst-case scenarios.

How Much Storage Space Do I Need for Backups in My Home Lab?

The storage space needed depends on the size of your data, the frequency of your backups, and the type of backup (full, incremental, or differential) you choose. However, thanks to features like deduplication offered by solutions like Proxmox, you can optimize the use of your backup storage space.

How Can I Backup Windows VMs in My Home Lab?

Several backup solutions support Windows VM backups. For instance, Veeam Backup & Replication offers agentless, image-based backup and restore for Windows VMs. Similarly, XCP-ng Xen Orchestra Backup provides comprehensive backup features for XenServer-based Windows VMs.

What is the Role of Replication in Backup Solutions?

Replication involves creating an exact copy of your data, which can be quickly powered on during a disaster. This provides a near-instant recovery point, reducing downtime. Replication is particularly beneficial for critical VMs where high availability is a necessity.

Remember, these answers provide a general guideline, and specific scenarios might require different approaches. Always consult the documentation for your specific backup solution and consider contacting the respective communities for more specific advice.

The power of choice

Selecting the right backup solution for your home lab depends on your needs. Factors to consider include the nature of your data, the scale of your home lab setup, available hardware, and resources you’re willing to dedicate towards backups. The solutions described, from Synology Active Backup for Business to custom scripts, offer a broad spectrum of options, each with unique strengths.

Each backup solution – whether it’s the comprehensive coverage of Synology Active Backup for Business, the potent trio of Veeam, NAKIVO, and BDRSuite, the open-source prowess of Proxmox, the VM management capabilities of XCP-ng Xen Orchestra, or the customization offered by custom scripts and workstation backup solutions – has its unique capabilities. Your decision should be a reflection of your home lab’s requirements and your personal preferences.

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Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at Virtualizationhowto.com and has over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.

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