Backup Software

Installing and Configuring Microsoft Azure Backup Server

We take a look at the process of Installing and Configuring Microsoft Azure Backup Server and the steps involved both from the Azure side as well as the on premise installation process.

For those that may not be aware, Microsoft Azure Backup Server (MABS) is an Azure intergrated data protection solution that also backs up VMware environments. Yes, VMware. Starting with Microsoft Azure Backup Server Update 1, Microsoft has included the ability to manage VMware vWSphere environments from directly within the MABS interface. With the tight Azure intergration, backups of vSphere environments can be pushed to the Azure cloud for offsite resiliency. Let’s take a closer look at Microsoft Azure Backup Server as well as installing and configuring Microsoft Azure Backup Server, what this entails on premise as well as in the Azure cloud. First, we will take a closer look at exactly what Microsoft Azure Backup Server is and what are the use cases for the product.

What is Microsoft Azure Backup Server?

If you have not yet heard about Microsoft Azure Backup Server (MABS), it is a lighter weight version of System Center Data Protection Manager, but contains many of the features and also the Azure integration you would expect.  It is also a free download.  You pay for the protected workloads that are synchronized with your Azure environment as well as the space required in Azure for your backups.

According to Microsoft speak, MABS is a:

Azure Backup is a simple and reliable cloud-integrated backup service that serves as a unified solution to protect the data, providing an alternative to tape that saves money and ensures compliance. Azure Backup delivers data protection no matter where data resides—in the enterprise datacenter, in remote and branch offices, or in the public cloud—while being responsive to the unique requirements these scenarios pose. Protect your critical applications, including Microsoft SharePoint, Exchange, and SQL Server; files and folders; servers and clients running Windows; and Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) virtual machines. With Azure Backup, you can focus on your business needs and not manage or pay for infrastructure on cloud.

When you add in the recent development of protecting VMware workloads with MABs, it is a pretty fully featured product that places it in line to compete with some of the other bigger name solutions in the data protection market.  Let’s take a look at how to go about installing and configuring Microsoft Azure Backup Server and the steps involved.

Install and Configuration Requirements

Installing and configuring Microsoft Azure Backup Server involves

  • Configuring a Recovery Services Vault from the Azure side
  • Installing the Microsoft Azure Backup Server on premise

On the Azure side you need to configure a Recovery Services Vault.  The Recovery services vault according to Microsoft is:

…a storage entity in Azure that houses data. The data is typically copies of data, or configuration information for virtual machines (VMs), workloads, servers, or workstations. You can use Recovery Services vaults to hold backup data for various Azure services such as IaaS VMs (Linux or Windows) and Azure SQL databases. Recovery Services vaults support System Center DPM, Windows Server, Azure Backup Server, and more. Recovery Services vaults make it easy to organize your backup data, while minimizing management overhead.

During the MABS installation, you will be asked to upload the Vault Credentials of the Recovery Services Vault.  If you cancel, it cancels the entire installation, so this is something you want to have done ahead of time.  Let’s walk through creating the Recovery Services Vault and the steps involved.

Creating a Recovery Sevices Vault in Azure

Login to the Azure Portal and run a search on Recovery Services Vaults.  You should have a hit on the search for the available service configuration.  Click the +Add button.

Search for Recovery Services Vault and Add a new Vault in Azure

Configure the REcovery Services vault including the Name, subscription, resource group, and location.

Configure the Recovery Services Vault

Configure the backup service, including whether your workloads are running in Azure or On-Premise.  Also, include the resources you are wanting to backup.

Configure the type of backup service used with the Recovery Services Vault

Click the Backup menu and then Prepare Infrastructure.

Prepare the recovery services vault infrastructure

The Recovery Services should successfully be created.  Click the Download button under the Download vault credentials section after checking the box that you have already downloaded the latest Azure Backup Server installation.

Download the vault credentials

The credentials file will be used during the installing of the On-Premise Azure Backup Server.

Installing and Configuring Microsoft Azure Backup Server

To download the Microsoft Azure Backup Server, navigate to the link here:

Download all the files to your Microsoft Azure Backup Server that has been designated.

Download the Microsoft Azure Backup Server installation files

The first part of the installation simply extracts the setup into the default directory you see below.

Begin extracting the Microsoft Azure Backup Server installation files
Choose the location to extract the files
Ready to begin the file extraction
File extraction finishes launch the Microsoft Azure Backup Server setup

After the files have been extracted, we can begin the setup of the Microsoft Azure Backup Server.

Begin the Microsoft Azure Backup Server installation

The Microsoft Azure Backup Server Setup wizard begins.

Microsoft Azure Backup Server installation wizard begins

Run the prerequisites check.  If you don’t, the wizard will not let you proceed.

Check the installation prerequisites

On the SQL Settings screen, I am choosing to Install new instance of SQL Server with this setup.  Click the Check and Install button to check the SQL prerequisites.

Check SQL Server installation prerequisites

Below, I had a few things it flagged. .NET 3.5 SP1 is needed and I had a pending reboot.

SQL Server installation prerequisites not met

After installing .NET 3.5 SP1 and rebooting, the installation proceeded.  You can click to change the default directories if you want.

SQL Server installation prerequisites not met

On the security settings screen, enter a password for the restricted local user account that is created.

Create a restricted local user account for Microsoft Azure Backup Server

Make choices on the Windows Update settings.

Choose Windows update settings for Microsoft Azure Backup Server

Summary of settings is displayed.  Ready to begin the installation.

Microsoft Azure Backup Server summary of settings

The Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent installation begins.

Begin Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent configuration

Proxy configuration settings.

Proxy configuration settings for connectivity
Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent Setup

Here we need to select the credentials file that was downloaded during the Recovery Services Vault creation.

Microsoft Azure Backup Server Vault Identification

Choose your backup encryption passphrase for protecting backups.

Vault identification Encryption Setting

The server will register with the Azure Recovery Services Vault and backup service.

Register Microsoft Azure Backup Server with Azure Recovery Services Vault

After the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent setup completes, it moves on to the SQL Server 2016 SP1 installation.

Install SQL Server 2016 with Microsoft Azure Backup Server

Tools and workstation components for SQL 2016 SP1 begins installation after SQL Server 2016 SP1 completes.

Installing SQL 2016 Tools

Installation is complete!

Microsoft Azure Backup Server Installation finishes


The process of Installing and Configuring Microsoft Azure Backup Server is a bit involved as it requires setting up components from the Azure side of things as well as running through the Azure Backup Server installation and configuration on premise.  However, all in all, the process is pretty straightforward.  I didn’t feel like it delved off in the weeds too much.  So this was simply the installation and configuration section.  In the next part, we will take a look at backing up VMware vSphere workloads using Microsoft Azure Backup Server.

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Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at and has over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.

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