thin client

  • VDIConfiguring a new connection with ThinOX4PC

    Repurpose old PC as thin client

    Many organizations today have strict budgets for new hardware, and refreshing hardware often is not fiscally possible. Therefore, making every dollar count and ensuring that existing hardware is used to the furthest degree possible is a priority. This mission certainly…

  • VDI2022 06 06 9 56 21

    Thin Client Update Management with ThinMan Gateway

    Many organizations today have remote branch office locations or remote sites they administer and maintain remote end-user client infrastructure. However, providing centralized management and administration of these remote endpoints using traditional means is challenging and cumbersome. In addition, it presents…

  • VDIThinman Server Console

    Thin Client Cloud Management with Praim ThinMan

    Today’s organizations are working in a more hybrid configuration than ever before and supporting a diverse hybrid workforce, working in corporate headquarters, remote branches, from their homes, and managing thin client cloud environments. It often includes continuous mobility or commuting.…

  • VDISecure ThinOX4PC environment with VDI connection configured

    Securing Virtual Workspaces with Praim ThinOX

    No longer are the majority of workers driving into the office. The remote workforce has taken shape and is a trend that will undoubtedly continue. As a result, businesses have had to shift their infrastructure to support a largely remote…

  • VDIInstalling Chrome in the Ubuntu Mate environment of Praim Agile4Linux

    Linux Thin Client Agent for remote workers with Praim Agile4Linux

    In this past year and a half, organizations have been required to use new solutions to empower remote employees to communicate, collaborate, and access business-critical resources. For many remote workers, this has meant using a device to connect to corporate…

  • VDISimple-and-Secure-VDI-Access-with-Praim-Smart-Identity

    Simple and Secure VDI Access with Praim Smart Identity

    With breach after breach making headlines today as well as various cybersecurity incidents being reported in unprecedented numbers, businesses today are having to rethink their security architecture.ย  The security of environments includes considering how end users are able to access…

  • VDIThin-Client-PCs-with-ThinOX4PC-version-11

    Low Cost Thin Client PCs with ThinOX4PC version 11

    Often one of the deterrents for organizations to undertake a VDI initiative is the costs involved.ย  While VDI can provide tremendous benefits for many organizations looking to simplify, scale, and operationalize end user clients, the costs of retooling can be…

  • VDIAgile-Smart-Identity-authentication-screen

    Manage and Configure Raspberry Pi Citrix VDI thin clients with Praim Agile4Pi

    Raspberry PI devices have become increasingly popular among enthusiasts and enterprises alike.ย  They are increasingly seen used in various use cases, all the way from home projects or appliances to enterprise appliances that are used in production.ย  The are an…

  • VDIPraim-Raspberry-Pi3-B-provides-a-robust-platform-for-Citrix-thin-clients

    Praim Raspberry Pi3 Powerful Low Cost Citrix Thin Client VDI

    There are many aspects to a successful and effective VDI deployment that organizations must implement correctly to achieve the desired outcome.ย  One of the key pieces of the VDI architecture is the thin client itself.ย  Choosing the right thin client…

  • VDIAn-example-of-the-uniform-streamlined-interface-provided-by-Praim-Agile4PC

    Praim Agile4PC vs ThinOX4PC VDI Thin Client Management and Configuration

    When it comes to being able to control, administer, and configure thin client devices, Praimโ€™s suite of products brings powerful management features and capabilities to the table.ย  Praim has a powerful line of tools and solutions that give organizations and…