home lab
Uptime Kuma Self-hosted application and server monitoring
Monitoring is a critical part of running enterprise IT infrastructure. You need to know when critical services are down, or the underlying infrastructure has issues. Uptime Kuma provides visibility to ups and downs as needed and is a great self-hosted…
IoT Notification System Push Notifications for Home Lab no SMTP required
There has been an explosion of IoT devices across consumer and enterprise environments leading to IoT notification system needs. IoT or Internet of things devices comprises sensors, connected industrial equipment, and other hardware that has a network connection and can…
Grafana Loki Configuration Syslog Server for Home Labs
If you are looking for a free and open-source Syslog server for your home lab or production environment, there is a great solution that you may not have heard about yet. It is Grafana Loki. It is a module that…
Home lab dashboard with Dashy
Running a homelab provides an excellent opportunity to learn new technologies, applications, services, troubleshooting skills, and the list goes on and on. When you start spinning up dozens or more applications, it can become difficult to have all of your…
NVMe server for vSAN virtual machines
Just a few years ago, an NVMe server would have been a premium to have either in the enterprise or at home. However, with the availability of NVMe drives and many different options for storage solutions now including NVMe drives,…
Home Lab virtualization software I use
Those who have followed my site and Youtube channel know that I am passionate about home lab environments. It has gone a long way toward helping me to sharpen my skills with various platforms, solutions, proof-of-concept environments, and other purposes.…
Cooling for Home Labs and tricks to reduce your heat
Especially since we are in the middle of the summer here in the U.S., running your home lab now with a few servers, network gear, storage, and other devices may be cranking up the heat in your home lab data…
Best Quiet Home Server in 2022 for Virtualization
Running a home lab is an investment and certainly comes with the cost of equipment, including servers, networking gear, storage, and ancillary devices. However, a cost that is part of running a home lab is electricity, aka power. Power costs…
Virtual firewall vs Physical firewall in the home lab
So, in thinking about the direction of where my home lab is headed, I find myself using less and less discrete physical devices as opposed to running things as virtual machines. As a topic of interest for my home lab…
Virtualization vs Containerization in 2022 home lab
I have been revisiting many of the infrastructure components and services running in the home lab environment. You can read my VMware Home Lab and Learning Goals 2022 post to see a few of the specific learning objectives that I…