
  • Ansible Semaphore Open Source Ansible GUI

    Ansible Semaphore: Awesome Open Source Ansible GUI

    Ansible is an awesome automation tool that I use in the home lab and production environment regularly. However, sometimes it is nice to have a GUI to point and click around to configure jobs, inventory, etc. Ansible has a commercial…

  • Get DNSname PowerShell DNS lookup

    Resolve-DNSname: PowerShell DNS Lookup

    It’s always DNS! Or is it? Well, we need the right tools to check DNS name resolution to find out for sure. “DNS” (Domain Name System) is arguably one of the most critical components of the Internet and modern networks…

  • PSWindowsUpdate Automated Windows Updates with PowerShell

    PSWindowsupdate: Automated Windows Updates with PowerShell

    The process to install Windows Updates can be a pain. Managing WSUS servers can be a headache too. However, with PowerShell, a special module, and some automation, we can schedule and automate the installation process of Windows Updates. Let’s look…

  • Scan your IaC Code Now

    Terrascan: Cloud Compliance and Security Scanner for IaC

    The world is moving towards cloud-native infrastructure, making infrastructure as code (IaC) a critical part of modern software development pipelines. As businesses increasingly use cloud-native infrastructure, compliance and security violations can emerge as challenges. This is where Terrascan, a comprehensive…

  • ArgoCD Helm Chart Install Applications

    Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for managing containerized workloads in cloud-native environments and deploying cloud-native applications. However, navigating the complexities of deploying and managing Kubernetes applications can be overwhelming. Enter Argo CD and Helm, two powerful tools that…

  • Glowing,Text,"automation",In,The,Hands,Of,A,Businessman.,Business

    Top 25 DevOps Automation Tools in 2023

    DevOps has become vital to the software development lifecycle, bridging the gap between development and operations teams. With an ever-growing list of DevOps automation tools available, choosing the best DevOps tool or tools for your organization can be challenging. In…

  • Ansible Software Patching for Beginners

    Ansible is a powerful open-source automation platform designed to help administrators manage and automate various tasks across their infrastructure. Open-source technologies like Ansible are awesome for automation! Ansible helps simplify the deployment, configuration, and patch management processes, making it an…

  • Ansible Docker Container Management Playbooks

    Two very powerful free and open-source solutions that you may have heard about already are Ansible and Docker. What are these tools? How can you use them? Also, how can you use them together? Let’s look at Ansible Docker container…

  • Terraform remote-exec provisioners

    Terraform remote exec provisioner to run shell commands

    If you are delving into using Terraform in your production or home lab environment, it is a great way to automate your infrastructure, either in a private cloud or public cloud environment. The Terraform provisioner block allows running commands on…

  • Choosing the Best VMware Automation Tools

    Providing streamlined and consistent management across the virtual estate is extremely important when using enterprise virtualization servers to run virtual machines in the enterprise data center. Managing a vSphere environment can require performing many different management tasks that are tedious…