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Nmap Ping Sweep: Home Lab Network Ping Scan

Explore network security with our comprehensive guide on Nmap ping sweeps. Uncover live hosts, scan ports, and secure your network


  • It is an excellent tool I have used for quite some time when you have a rogue device on a network and you want to understand what type of device it is.
  • Let’s look at the Nmap Ping Sweep and see how we can use it as a network vulnerability ping scan to discover hosts on a network.
  • While the list scan assists in generating a target list of IP addresses without sending packets to the target hosts, a ping scan ensures host discovery without port scanning.

There is perhaps not a better known network scan tool for cybersecurity than Nmap. It is an excellent tool I have used for quite some time when you have a rogue device on a network and you want to understand what type of device it is. Nmap provides this functionality along with many others. Let’s look at the Nmap Ping Sweep and see how we can use it as a network vulnerability ping scan to discover hosts on a network.

What is Nmap and the Nmap Ping Sweep?

Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is a highly versatile, free, and open-source utility for network discovery and security auditing. It’s widely used by network administrators, security professionals, and ethical hackers to explore networks, perform security scans, and detect live hosts and open ports.

Nmap operates by sending specially crafted packets to the target host or network and analyzing the responses. It supports a multitude of scanning techniques, including but not limited to TCP connect() scanning, SYN scanning, UDP raw IP packet scanning, and ICMP scanning, with the latter commonly used in Nmap ping scanning.

Nmap also provides detailed information about the network, including the number of hosts, types of protocols being used, the state of different ports, and the operating system versions in use. This gathered data can help in troubleshooting, network inventory assessments, and vulnerability detection, thus forming an essential part of a network administrator’s toolkit.

You can easily install the tool across multiple operating systems. Below, I am installing it in Windows.

Installing Nmap in Windows
Installing Nmap in Windows

After installation, you can run the nmap command to see the available options.

Running the Nmap command
Running the Nmap command

Ping Sweep and Host Discovery: The Dynamic Duo

Ping sweep, an essential method of host discovery, primarily involves sending ICMP echo requests to IP addresses within a specified range. When these echo requests receive a reply, it signifies the presence of an active host in the network. However, you can also utilize ICMP timestamp requests, enhancing the depth of your network analysis.

Host discovery, coupled with a ping sweep, gives a comprehensive view of the active hosts in your network. Nmap sends these requests efficiently, even under strict firewalls, allowing you to manage your network better.

Delving into Nmap Commands: The Art of List Scan and Ping Scan

Nmap commands like the list scan (nmap -sn) are crucial for performing a ping sweep, and they allow skipping regular scan stages. While the list scan assists in generating a target list of IP addresses without sending packets to the target hosts, a ping scan ensures host discovery without port scanning.

Remember, the following command is an example of an Nmap ping sweep: nmap -sn target network.

Disabling Host Discovery: An Alternative Approach

Sometimes, disabling host discovery (skip host discovery) becomes necessary, especially in networks with strict firewall rules.

Nmap’s ability to skip host discovery allows the scanning process to proceed directly to the port scan phase, reducing the scan time and avoiding unnecessary network traffic.

The Intricacies of TCP ACK and TCP SYN Packets

Understanding TCP ACK packet and the TCP SYN packet is vital when dealing with Nmap scanning. Nmap sends these packets during the scanning process, and their responses contribute to a comprehensive Nmap scan report. An understanding of these packet types enhances the utilization of Nmap’s capabilities.

Network Scanning on Local Ethernet Network

Local Ethernet networks present a unique set of challenges and opportunities for network scanning. The use of MAC addresses alongside IP addresses introduces a new level of complexity.

Fortunately, Nmap can perform a ping sweep on these networks, identifying live hosts, and helping maintain robust network security.

Leveraging Nmap on Kali Linux

Kali Linux, with its suite of various tools, including Nmap, can significantly improve your network scanning efficiency. Nmap’s compatibility with Kali Linux broadens its usability, and when combined with other methods of network scanning, you can ensure a well-secured and efficient network.

The Scope of Ping Sweeps and Host Discovery in Future Networks

As networks evolve and grow in complexity, tools like Nmap will continue to play a pivotal role in host discovery and network management. From simple IP ranges to vast networks with strict firewalls, the versatility of Nmap ping sweeps will remain an indispensable asset for network administrators worldwide.

Commanding Nmap: Examples of Nmap Ping Sweep

Navigating the Nmap command line requires a solid understanding of the potential commands and their impacts on the target network. Here, we’ll look at some examples of Nmap ping sweep commands, demonstrating the diversity and power of this tool.

Basic Ping Sweep:

The simplest form of an Nmap ping sweep uses the following command: nmap -sn This command will discover live hosts in the network range from to

Discovering live hosts in a network range
Discovering live hosts in a network range

Disabling DNS Resolution:

If you’d like to perform a ping sweep without DNS resolution to skip regular scan stages, use the -n flag. An example would be:

nmap -sn -n

This command is beneficial when you want a faster scan by skipping the DNS resolution stage.

Ping sweep without DNS resolution
Ping sweep without DNS resolution

Ping Sweep with Port Scan:

You can combine a ping sweep with a simple port scan. Use the following command:

nmap -p 3389

This command will perform a ping sweep and then scan for the availability of port 80 (typically used for HTTP traffic) on all live hosts.

Discovering open network ports with Nmap ping sweep
Discovering open network ports with Nmap ping sweep

Using TCP SYN for Ping Sweep:

Strict firewalls may drop ICMP packets, thus limiting the effectiveness of the traditional ICMP-based ping sweep. However, Nmap allows for TCP SYN-based ping sweeps. The ICMP standards (RFC 792 and RFC 950) also specify icmp timestamp request, information request, and address mask request packets as codes 13, 15, and 17, respectively.

The following command performs a TCP SYN ping sweep:

nmap -PS 
TCP SYN Nmap ping sweep
TCP SYN Nmap ping sweep

This command is handy when ICMP packets are filtered by the network’s firewall.

Using TCP ACK for Ping Sweep:

Similarly to the TCP SYN ping sweep, you can use TCP ACK packets for ping sweeps, especially when dealing with strict firewalls that block ICMP and SYN packets. The following command performs a TCP ACK ping sweep:

nmap -PA
TCP ACK Nmap ping sweep
TCP ACK Nmap ping sweep

Ping Sweep using ICMP Timestamp Requests:

In addition to the typical ICMP echo request, you can use an ICMP timestamp request for ping sweeps. Use the following command:

nmap -PP
Nmap ping sweep using ICMP timestam requests
Nmap ping sweep using ICMP timestam requests

This command adds another layer to the scanning process, especially when dealing with hosts that respond differently to various types of ICMP requests.

Remember, while these examples use a specific range of IP addresses, the same principles can be applied to larger IP ranges, entire networks, or even single IP addresses.

Nmap Ping Sweep as a Network Security Essential

In the realm of network security, understanding and leveraging tools like Nmap for ping sweeps and host discovery becomes crucial. It’s more than just about scanning IP addresses or ports; it’s about developing a comprehensive understanding of your network layout.

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Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at Virtualizationhowto.com and has over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.

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