
Resolve-DNSname: PowerShell DNS Lookup

Learn PowerShell's Resolve-DnsName cmdlet. Discover its usage, versatility, and the added value it brings to DNS queries and troubleshooting.


  • NSLookup is a command-line tool for querying the DNS system to obtain domain names or IP address mapping or other DNS records.
  • In summary, Resolve-DnsName brings the flexibility of Linux utilities like Dig to the Windows platform, while providing output in a more convenient format for further processing.
  • When you invoke the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet, your DNS client communicates with these servers to fetch DNS records to resolve DNS queries.

It’s always DNS! Or is it? Well, we need the right tools to check DNS name resolution to find out for sure. “DNS” (Domain Name System) is arguably one of the most critical components of the Internet and modern networks in general. Let’s explore DNS in-depth, focusing primarily on the Resolve-DnsName PowerShell cmdlet—a powerful tool for performing DNS queries.

Understanding DNS and Its Importance

DNS, and by extension DNS names, essentially serves as the Internet’s phonebook, translating easy-to-remember domain names into the IP addresses computers use to identify each other. Every time we navigate the web, our DNS client is hard at work resolving DNS records and facilitating our virtual explorations.

DNS is the Internets phonebook
DNS is the Internets phonebook

An Introduction to PowerShell’s Resolve-DnsName

PowerShell, a cross-platform scripting language developed by Microsoft, offers a cmdlet named Resolve-DnsName. This cmdlet performs DNS lookups, returning a plethora of information from DNS servers. Its ability to query different DNS record types makes it an indispensable tool for network administrators and IT professionals.

PowerShell is built into Windows and is readily available with handy cmdlets for troubleshooting.

PowerShell is built in and has many great network cmdlets
PowerShell is built in and has many great network cmdlets

The Role of DNS Servers

The accuracy of DNS queries depends on the reliability of DNS servers. When you invoke the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet, your DNS client communicates with these servers to fetch DNS records to resolve DNS queries. You may direct queries to a specific DNS server, which can be advantageous for troubleshooting or testing purposes.

How Resolve-DnsName Works

To understand how Resolve-DnsName works, we need to delve into the specifics of the DNS protocol. Essentially, this cmdlet sends a DNS query to the designated DNS server. The server then examines its DNS records and sends back the corresponding data, such as the IP addresses associated with the requested hostname.

What Traditional Tools Does Resolve-DnsName Replace?

The Resolve-DnsName cmdlet is a modern, feature-rich alternative to several traditional DNS lookup tools. Here are a few of those traditional tools that PowerShell’s Resolve-DnsName is designed to replace or supplement:


NSLookup is a command-line tool for querying the DNS system to obtain domain names or IP address mapping or other DNS records. It’s been a default component of Windows for many years. However, Resolve-DnsName provides a more PowerShell-friendly DNS query experience with enhanced functionality and more flexible output. Notably, NSLookup returns text you need to parse manually, whereas Resolve-DnsName offers an object that can be manipulated using standard PowerShell commands.


Dig (Domain Information Groper) is a Linux utility for querying DNS servers. It is known for its flexibility and extensive functionality. However, it’s not installed by default on many systems, and its use involves a syntax that can be challenging for some users. With Resolve-DnsName, Windows users can perform the same types of queries without installing additional software.

Host Command

Another Linux utility, the Host command, is a simple utility for performing DNS lookups. While it’s easy to use for straightforward lookups, it’s less feature-rich than Dig and significantly less powerful than Resolve-DnsName.

In summary, Resolve-DnsName brings the flexibility of Linux utilities like Dig to the Windows platform, while providing output in a more convenient format for further processing. Furthermore, it outperforms traditional Windows utilities like NSLookup by delivering enhanced functionality and finer control over queries.

The Power of Resolve-DnsName Parameters

Resolve-DnsName cmdlet provides various parameters that allow customization of DNS queries. For instance, you can specify the DNS query type to indicate what kind of DNS record you want, such as A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, SRV, or TXT. These parameters provide the flexibility to perform detailed DNS investigations.

Use Case: Mail Routing Information

A common use case for Resolve-DnsName involves finding mail routing information. You can determine a domain’s mail forwarder by querying MX records. This information is critical for troubleshooting mail delivery issues or configuring mail servers.

Finding the MX record(s) helps admins to troubleshoot possible mailflow issues, especially when transitioning from on-premises mail flow to hybrid connectivity. We will look at an example below of using Resolve-DNSName to find MX records.

The Impact of Hosts File on DNS Resolution

The hosts file can affect the outcome of DNS queries. Before the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet hits the DNS server, it checks the local hosts file for entries. This can provide a means to test DNS changes without modifying actual DNS records.

Also, if you are looking to bypass the hosts file, Resolve-DNSName has a parameter that allows easily using only DNS resolution to help determine if a stale hostname is in play. We will show an example of that below.

Real-world Examples of Using Resolve-DnsName

Here are some practical examples of using the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet in PowerShell. These examples will demonstrate how to resolve different record types, perform DNS queries against specific DNS servers, and interpret the results.

Example 1: Simple DNS Query

The most basic use of Resolve-DnsName is to perform a simple DNS query. The syntax is straightforward:

Resolve-DnsName -Name ""
Resolve DNSname basic usage
Resolve DNSname basic usage

This command will return various DNS records associated with ““. By default, this includes A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) records which provide the IP address(es) for the queried domain.

Example 2: Specifying DNS Query Type

The Resolve-DnsName cmdlet allows you to specify the type of DNS record you wish to query using the -Type parameter. For example, if you want to retrieve MX (Mail Exchange) records, use the following command:

Resolve-DnsName -Name "" -Type MX

This command will return MX records, providing mail routing and mail destination information for ““.

Querying MX records with Get DNSname PowerShell cmdlet
Querying MX records with Get DNSname PowerShell cmdlet

Example 3: Querying a Specific DNS Server

Sometimes you may need to perform DNS lookups against a specific DNS server. You can do this using the -Server parameter:

Resolve-DnsName -Name "" -Server ""

This command will perform the DNS lookup for “” using Google’s public DNS server (IP address and look up the server address.

Example 4: Resolving CNAME Records

CNAME records map a domain (alias) to another (canonical name) domain. To retrieve CNAME records, use the -Type parameter with “CNAME”:

Resolve-DnsName -Name "" -Type CNAME
Querying CNAME records with Get DNSname
Querying CNAME records with Get DNSname

This will display the canonical name for ““, if a CNAME record exists.

Example 5: Finding Authority Zone

You can retrieve Name Server (NS) records, which indicate the authority zone for a specific domain:

Resolve-DnsName -Name "" -Type NS
Getting NS records using PowerShell
Getting NS records using PowerShell

This command will list the authoritative DNS servers (name servers) for the domain ““.

Example 6: Getting TXT Records

TXT records hold various types of textual information and can be used, for example, for domain verification or to retrieve SPF records. Here’s how to retrieve them:

Resolve-DnsName -Name "" -Type TXT
Querying for TXT records using Get DNSname
Querying for TXT records using Get DNSname

This command returns the TXT records for ““.

Replacing “” with your target domain is always good practice. These examples are a mere glimpse into the capabilities of Resolve-DnsName. By exploring the other parameters and types, you can perform comprehensive DNS investigations and troubleshoot with this cmdlet.

Example 7: Resolving PTR Records

Pointer (PTR) records, also known as Reverse DNS records, map an IP address to a hostname. This can be useful for reverse lookups, where you have an IP address and want to find the associated hostname.

Resolve-DnsName -Name "" -Type PTR
View PTR records for a domain
View PTR records for a domain

This command performs a reverse lookup on Google’s public DNS server IP address.

Example 8: Utilizing the Pipeline

PowerShell is famous for its pipeline input feature, which allows you to pass the output of one command as input to another. Here is an example of using Resolve-DnsName with a pipeline:

"", "" | Resolve-DnsName
Using piping with Get DNSname
Using piping with Get DNSname

In this command, DNS resolution is performed for both “” and ““. The pipe operator (|) passes each domain name to the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet.

Example 9: Obtaining Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs)

The -DnsOnly switch is used to get only the DNS protocol result of a query without the potential influences of NetBIOS or local hosts files. For instance:

Resolve-DnsName -Name "example" -DnsOnly
You can bypass the hosts file and query DNS only
You can bypass the hosts file and query DNS only

The result will be the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the “example” that is obtained purely from the DNS resolution.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I run Resolve-DnsName on any PowerShell version?

Resolve-DnsName is a cmdlet introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0. As long as you’re using PowerShell 3.0 or a newer version, including PowerShell Core 6 and 7, you should be able to use this cmdlet without any issues.

2. How can I use Resolve-DnsName to verify SPF records?

You can use Resolve-DnsName to verify Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records by querying TXT records. Here’s an example:

Resolve-DnsName -Name "" -Type TXT

The result will include TXT records, among which you can find the SPF record (if one exists). The SPF record starts with “v=spf1” and contains the mail servers authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain.

3. Can Resolve-DnsName cmdlet be used to check for subdomain delegation?

You can use Resolve-DnsName to check for subdomain delegation by querying NS records. Here’s an example:

Resolve-DnsName -Name "" -Type NS

This command returns the Name Server (NS) records for ““, showing you which servers are authoritative for this subdomain.

4. Why is my Resolve-DnsName command not returning the same result as NSLookup?

Resolve-DnsName uses the Windows DNS client for resolution by default, which follows a resolution process including checking the local hosts file and cached entries before querying DNS servers. NSLookup, on the other hand, queries the DNS server directly. Differences in results can occur due to these different resolution paths. To get Resolve-DnsName to mimic the behavior of NSLookup more closely, use the -DnsOnly switch.

5. How can I speed up DNS queries with Resolve-DnsName?

The speed of DNS queries depends largely on the performance and location of the DNS server being queried. However, you can use the -QuickTimeout switch parameter with Resolve-DnsName to specify a shorter timeout for queries. This can speed up the process if you’re dealing with unresponsive servers. Please note that this might result in incomplete results if the DNS server takes too long to respond.

Awesome DNS Server for home

Speaking of DNS, check out my video on how to easily install and configure Unbound DNS for your home lab:

Best DNS server for home lab

Wrapping Up

While looking at Resolve-DnsName more closely, we’ve highlighted how it allows for detailed DNS queries that surpass the capabilities of traditional tools like NSLookup, Dig, and the Host command. With it, admins can quickly investigate DNS queries, extract DNS records, and troubleshoot DNS issues.

As we looked at the examples, we delved into Resolve-DnsName‘s ability to perform standard DNS queries, specify DNS query types, query specific DNS servers, resolve various DNS records such as MX, CNAME, NS, and TXT, and even conduct reverse lookups. We also emphasized the practicality of PowerShell’s pipeline feature in conjunction with Resolve-DnsName, enabling the processing of multiple DNS queries in one go.

Our FAQ section responded to some of the commonly raised queries surrounding this cmdlet, such as verifying SPF records, checking subdomain delegation, differences in results compared to NSLookup, and speeding up DNS queries.

Overall, Resolve-DnsName is an excellent tool showcasing PowerShell’s flexibility and utility in DNS resolution. The cmdlet offers a wealth of parameters that cater to a wide range of DNS-related tasks, making it an indispensable tool for any IT professional, system administrator, or user needing detailed insights into DNS operations.

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Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at and has over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.

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