VMware HCX appliances installation and configuration

VMware HCX appliances installation and configuration. How to install and configure VMware HCX appliances in a VMware vSphere environment

One of the tremendously powerful capabilities VMware is giving businesses today is an abstraction layer from various cloud environments, allowing you to run workloads anywhere. It is known as a “mobility platform.” We will discuss further what capabilities are offered by HCX. This post will look at VMware HCX appliances installation and configuration and how to deploy the VMware HCX appliance.

What is VMware HCX?

So, what exactly is VMware HCX? VMware HCX is a mobility platform designed for three primary use cases. These use cases include:

  • Application migration – With VMware HCX, you get an automated solution that creates a hybrid network interconnect. Using this hybrid interconnect, you can easily perform virtual machine migrations of both VMware vSphere virtual machines and non-vSphere VMs between data centers without a reboot. Once your workloads are migrated, the networks are provisioned without any redesign of the networking.
  • Workload rebalancing – You can move your workloads to align with your business or technical objectives. With VMware HCX, you can rebalance your cloud and on-premises footprints using the hybrid cloud interconnect provisioned. The cloud interconnect enables on-demand migration, data center extensions, and cloud bursting as part of the capabilities offered.
  • Business continuity and disaster protection – VMware HCX bolster disaster recovery capabilities due to the technical abilities it offers organizations. These include rapid migration capabilities and replicating data across common VMware infrastructure in two or more places. It also makes disaster recovery planning seamless without reconfiguration of IP addresses. In addition, it also integrates with VMware Site Recovery Manager, which many organizations are already using as part of their disaster recovery infrastructure.

Ot also allows creating mobility for both VMware vSphere and non-vSphere cloud environments, allowing customers to accelerate the modernization of the data center. From a network engineer’s perspective, the beauty of the VMware HCX solution is it takes the tremendous complexity out of building networks between clouds. It automates this process using software-defined networking.

With VMware HCX, it automates the creation of optimized network interconnection and extension for interoperability between KVM, Hyper-V, and vSphere 6.0 and higher. You can also bulk migrate workloads between on-premises and cloud environments without refactoring your applications or, most importantly, not re-architecting your network solution.

VMware HCX appliances installation

Let’s look at how to install the VMware HCX appliance to get up and running with application and workload mobility. First, you need to download the VMware HCX appliance OVA. You can easily deploy the appliance in a VMware vSphere environment using the OVA file. I will show this process as follows.

The OVA deployment process for the VMware HCX appliance is straightforward, like most other OVA deployments. First, upload the VMware HCX OVA file.

Uploading the VMware HCX OVA appliance file
Uploading the VMware HCX OVA appliance file

Name the virtual machine. This is the name of the VMware HCX appliance in the vSphere inventory.

Name the VMware HCX appliance in VMware vSphere inventory
Name the VMware HCX appliance in VMware vSphere inventory

Next, choose the compute resource you want to use to house the VMware HCX appliance.

Select a compute resource for housing the VMware HCX appliance
Select a compute resource for housing the VMware HCX appliance

Review the initial deployment details of the HCX appliance.

Review initial deployment details for VMware HCX
Review initial deployment details for VMware HCX

Accept the EULA for the deployment.

Accept the VMware HCX EULA
Accept the VMware HCX EULA

Select the datastore where you want to deploy the VMware HCX appliances.

Select storage to install the VMware HCX appliance
Select storage to install the VMware HCX appliance

Select the virtual network to connect the VMware HCX appliance.

Select the network to connect the HCX appliance
Select the network to connect the HCX appliance

On step 8. Customize template, this is where you want to pay attention and make sure you populate everything correctly. Here you need to ensure you populate the credentials you want to configure, network address, DNS, DNS lookups, static routes, enable SSH (if desired), NTP, and other options. Be sure to look this screen over a few times before moving on.

Customize the VMware HCX OVA template deployment
Customize the VMware HCX OVA template deployment

On step 9, review and complete the installation.

Ready to complete the VMware HCX deployment
Ready to complete the VMware HCX deployment

VMware HCX appliances configuration

Once you deploy the VMware HCX appliance, you will need to go through the VMware HCX appliances configuration. Power on the appliance and allow it to boot up and services to start.

Beginning to configure the VMware HCX installation
Beginning to configure the VMware HCX installation

Next, enter a license key. One of the misnomers for me when I went through this was that I didn’t need to enter a VMware HCX key but rather a VMware NSX-T key.

Activate your VMware HCX installation
Activate your VMware HCX installation

Confirm the deployment type.

Confirm the deployment type for the VMware HCX installation
Confirm the deployment type for the VMware HCX installation

At this point, the VMware HCX appliance will automatically pull updates and reboot.

VMware HCX will download and install the latest updates
VMware HCX will download and install the latest updates

Once it is back up and running, you will confirm the license keys assigned.

License key installed and activated for VMware HCX
License key installed and activated for VMware HCX

Confirm the location for your VMware HCX deployment.

Choose the location for your VMware HCX installation
Choose the location for your VMware HCX installation

Name the VMware HCX appliances configured.

Name your VMware HCX system
Name your VMware HCX system

Select the instance type of your VMware HCX appliances.

Select the VMware HCX instance type
Select the VMware HCX instance type

Connect VMware HCX to your vCenter Server and NSX Manager appliances. Here you enter the URL for vCenter Server and the NSX Manager along with credentials to connect.

Connect your vCenter Server and NSX Manager
Connect your vCenter Server and NSX Manager

Accept the certificate warning.

Accept the certificate warning during the VMware HCX configuration
Accept the certificate warning during the VMware HCX configuration

Configure SSO/PSC. Here I am just pointing to my vCenter Server.

Configure SSO and PSC during VMware HCX configuration
Configure SSO and PSC during VMware HCX configuration

Enter the public access URL. Since I am playing around in the home lab, I am leaving the configured local address that I can use within my home lab data center.

Configure public access URL
Configure public access URL

Finish the configuration and restart the appliance.

Restart the VMware HCX appliance after configuration
Restart the VMware HCX appliance after configuration

Once you have restarted the appliance. You can log into the VMware HCX dashboard.

Accessing the VMware HCX console
Accessing the VMware HCX console

VMware HCX Appliances FAQs

  • What is VMware HCX? VMware HCX is an application mobility platform that uses a hybrid interconnect to seamlessly allow migrating workloads between on-premises and public clouds. It can be used for application mobility, workload rebalancing, and disaster recovery.
  • What can VMware HCX appliances do? It creates a hybrid interconnect that allows you to abstract the network layer between workloads to allow these to “live” anywhere, both on-premises and in the cloud.
  • What is hybrid interconnect? This software-defined network layer allows running network layer addresses in any location. It uses VMware NSX-T software-defined network capabilities under the hood.
  • Do you need to change IP addresses between on-premises and cloud? With the hybrid interconnect, you do not need to change IP addresses. It builds out the software-defined network layer overlay, allowing workloads to exist anywhere.

Wrapping Up

As shown, VMware HCX appliances installation and configuration are fairly straightforward by deploying the VMware HCX appliance and running through the initial configuration. We will take a look at HCX replication-assisted vMotion and other great capabilities in a future post.

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Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at Virtualizationhowto.com and has over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.

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