Windows 365

Connect to Windows 365 Cloud PC with RDP

Connect to Windows 365 Cloud PC with RDP. Walkthrough how to use the new Remote Desktop App to connect to your Cloud PC with all monitors


  • However, if users need a richer experience with their remote desktop such as using all of their monitors for their session, the Remote desktop App provided by Microsoft in Windows 365 Cloud PC is a great way to consume your remote desktop.
  • Windows 365 Cloud PC allows accessing a Windows 10 or Windows 11 (when it is GA) desktop PC in the cloud on any device.
  • Windows 365 Cloud PC is a new VDI offering from Microsoft that allows businesses to have a simple and seamless way to easily provision desktop PC for end-users that may be working remotely or even on-premises.

Windows 365 Cloud PC is a new VDI offering from Microsoft that allows businesses to have a simple and seamless way to easily provision desktop PC for end-users that may be working remotely or even on-premises. Windows 365 Cloud PC allows accessing a Windows 10 or Windows 11 (when it is GA) desktop PC in the cloud on any device. With only a browser connection, Microsoft allows users to “stream” a Windows 365 Cloud PC through a normal browser session. However, you can also connect to Windows 365 Cloud PC with RDP connection. Let’s look at how to connect to Windows 365 Cloud PC with the Remote Desktop App provided by Microsoft.

Browser or Remote Desktop App?

The great thing about the Windows 365 Cloud PC offering is it allows using either a browser or full remote desktop app experience. The browser connection means you don’t have to worry about loading any special client or application. It simply uses a modern browser to stream the Windows 365 Cloud PC experience to your remote end-users. Note below, you can make the browser window full screen and a few other controls such as uploading a file.

Connected to Windows 365 Cloud PC through a browser session
Connected to Windows 365 Cloud PC through a browser session

It provides ease of function, accessibility to your remote desktop, and requires no software for IT to manage for the end-user. However, if users need a richer experience with their remote desktop such as using all of their monitors for their session, the Remote desktop App provided by Microsoft in Windows 365 Cloud PC is a great way to consume your remote desktop.

Connect to Windows 365 Cloud PC with RDP

When you gain access to your Windows 365 Cloud PC dashboard, you will see the Download Remote Desktop link in the home screen.

Download the Remote Desktop App
Download the Remote Desktop App

Once you click the Download remote desktop, you will see the screen below – Microsoft Remote Desktop apps. Download the application for your particular platform. You may think that you can simply use the built-in remote desktop RDP (mstsc) tool that is built into Windows. However, you need to download the new app for connecting via RDP. Download the installer.

Download the Remote Desktop App for your platform
Download the Remote Desktop App for your platform

Once you have downloaded the installer, run the installation. It is a simple installer without many settings to configure.

Installing the Remote Desktop App for Windows
Installing the Remote Desktop App for Windows
Accept the EULA
Accept the EULA

Choose the scope meaning which users can see the installation shortcut for the app.

Set the Installation scope
Set the Installation scope

Finish the Remote Desktop setup wizard.

Finish the installation of the Remote Desktop App
Finish the installation of the Remote Desktop App

Configure the Windows 365 Cloud PC RDP connection

After installing the Remote Desktop App, how do you connect to your Windows 365 Cloud PC? Click the Get subscription URL link.

Get the subscription URL for making a connection to your Windows 365 Cloud PC
Get the subscription URL for making a connection to your Windows 365 Cloud PC

Copy the subscription URL listed in the subscription feed.

Copy the subscription URL for the Windows 365 desktop
Copy the subscription URL for the Windows 365 desktop

Go to your Remote Desktop app and click the Subscribe with URL.

Subscribe with URL in the Remote Desktop App for Windows 365
Subscribe with URL in the Remote Desktop App for Windows 365

Paste in the subscription URL in the Subscribe to a Workspace. Click Next.

Enter the subscription URL for Remote Desktop to Windows 365 Cloud PC
Enter the subscription URL for Remote Desktop to Windows 365 Cloud PC

Login with your Windows 365 Cloud PC account.

Login with your account to Windows 365
Login with your account to Windows 365

Choose how you want your device to be managed. You can uncheck the Allow my organization to manage my device and still connect to your Windows 365 desktop.

Choose allow management options for Windows 365 Remote Desktop App
Choose allow management options for Windows 365 Remote Desktop App

After making your selections, you are all set to connect.

Windows 365 Cloud PC account successfully added
Windows 365 Cloud PC account successfully added

You should see your Cloud PC resources displayed in the Remote Desktop App. To change the settings of your Cloud PC connection, right-click on the connection.

Cloud PC resources are shown after logging into the Windows 365 Remote App
Cloud PC resources are shown after logging into the Windows 365 Remote App

Choose Settings.

Configure settings of your Windows 365 Cloud PC connection
Configure settings of your Windows 365 Cloud PC connection

Untoggle the Use default settings.

Changing settings for your Cloud PC connection
Changing settings for your Cloud PC connection

Now, you can choose a Single display if you want as well as other display options.

Changing to single display for Windows 365 Cloud PC
Changing to single display for Windows 365 Cloud PC

When you are ready to connect, double-click the desktop. Enter the password for the Microsoft account.

Login to the Windows 365 Cloud PC desktop connection
Login to the Windows 365 Cloud PC desktop connection

You are connected to your Windows 365 Cloud PC using the Remote Desktop App.

Remote Desktop Connection to Windows 365 Cloud PC
Remote Desktop Connection to Windows 365 Cloud PC

Wrapping Up

Hopefully this walkthrough of how to get connected to your Windows 365 Cloud PC using RDP is helpful to show how you can use the new Remote Desktop App to connect to your Cloud PC. The Remote Desktop App provides more options for your display compared to the browser session. However, both provide great experiences interacting with your desktop.

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Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at and has over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.


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