I ran into a pesky issue the other day using MySQL workbench where the program itself simply would not launch. ย I could see the process running in Task manager in Windows, however, nothing would ever display, no errors, etc. ย It simply would run and not display. ย What was also unusual is that the program was working the day before – luanched, worked, and closed successfully without errors.
In googling the issue, I saw a similar bug report concerning the AppData cache folder here: ย https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=70713ย However, in trying the solution by simply renaming the cache folder, this didn’t work for me. ย The issue still persisted – same behavior with the application executing and the process spawning but nothing displaying. ย I had the hunch to try removing the entire directory tree for MySQL in the AppData cache mentioned in the path for the bug report: ย C:Usersyour_user_nameAppDataRoamingMySQLWorkbenchcache.
Instead of just renaming the folder, Iย moved (to be on the safe side)ย the entireย Workbenchย directory to my desktop to test. ย After getting rid of the Workbench folder in the AppData path, MySQL launched perfectly. ย The only downside to removing the folder is that you will lose all of your saved connections and settings. ย However, I could live with this as this is a better scenario than the program not launching at all. ย Hopefully this will help someone who may be experiencing this similar issue.
i have also that problem with w 8.1
I also have same issue as workbench is not launching, but in my case i am not able to find the “cache” folder as it mentioned like above.
in my system it’s until roaming folder(C:UsersseenuAppDataRoaming) after that not finding other folders “MySQLWorkbenchcache”.
my system OS is Windows 8.1.
mysql server and workbench are latest versions downloaded.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
One thing I may suggest is making sure you are looking under the right profile folder. Depending on whether or not your workstation is a member of a domain or not you may have another similar profile folder residing on your box. Go to a command prompt and type “set” and note the value for USERPROFILE which should be the directory you are looking under. For the most part I have not seen a case where the cache folder doesn’t exist. However, if UAC is enabled, make sure you are running MySQL Workbench as an administrator. Let me know what you find.