Horizon View
VMware Horizon Client Error Couldn’t Connect to Server
Many organizations are making use of VMware Horizon as the solution to enable a successful, effective, and efficient remote work environment. VMware Horizon is able to connect remote workers to VDI environments and even physical machines. With that being said,…
Horizon View
VMware Unified Access Gateway UAG 3.10 Upgrade
With the release of VMware Horizon 8 aka 2006, many are no doubt revisiting their Horizon infrastructure looking at updates across the board. We just recently took a look at the VMware Horizon 8 Upgrade of the Connection Server. What…
Horizon View
Unified Access Gateway UAG Certificate Install
Getting certificates squared away for your UAG configuration sitting in front of your Horizon infrastructure is a great task to get completed before going into production. You want to make sure you have a trusted certificate in place before placing…
Horizon View
Deploy VMware UAG with New Unified Access Gateway Deployment Utility Fling
Up until a few days ago, there were two ways to deploy the Unified Access Gateway appliance (UAG). You had the ability to deploy the appliance using the standard means of deploying an OVA appliance. Additionally, there was the approach…
Horizon View
Enable Two-Factor Authentication for VMware Horizon UAG
Are you finding yourself ramping up efforts on remote workers lately due to Coronavirus? Are you working on ramping up VMware Horizon environments to enable your remote workers. From a security standpoint, you want to make sure you secure your…