• VirtualizationOvirt install

    oVirt Install with GlusterFS Hyperconverged Single Node – Sort of

    I haven’t really given oVirt a shot in the home lab environment to play around with another free and open-source hypervisor. So, I finally got around to installing it in a nested virtual machine installation running in VMware vSphere. I…

  • VirtualizationBest kvm based hypervisor in 2024

    Best KVM based Hypervisors in 2024

    This may very well be the year of KVM-based hypervisors in 2024, aside from other options like Microsoft Hyper-V. Many are looking at different options this year for virtualization technologies to run their enterprise infrastructure on-premises as the fear, uncertainty,…

  • VirtualizationKVM cheat sheet 3

    KVM Cheat Sheet of virsh commands

    KVM is an excellent choice as a hypervisor to run in the home lab environment or production. After all, Amazon runs a variant of KVM for its AWS EC2 environment. KVM is free and open-source and available in all the…

  • Self hostedthumbxcpvsproxmox

    XCP-NG vs Proxmox – Home Lab Comparison

    XCP-NG and Proxmox are great solutions for setting up a home lab environment and running an enterprise-grade hypervisor for free. Both solutions are free and open-source and have many features to play around with. This post will compare XCP-NG vs.…

  • VirtualizationReady to begin and select the network configuration

    Install KVM Ubuntu 22.04 – Step-by-Step

    Many hypervisors are great platforms for running virtual machines in your environment, including commercial hypervisors and open-source options. However, let’s look at Kernel-based virtual machine (KVM). KVM on ubuntu 22.04 is a great option for running an open-source virtual machine…

  • Virtualizationprereqs01

    Install KVM Ubuntu Server VMware Workstation

    If you want to play around with KVM virtualization inside of VMware Workstation, this is quick and easy to do with a few steps.  Let’s take a look at how to install KVM Ubuntu Server VMware Workstation.  The VM used…