
  • Networkingnxosgns3_01

    How to add Cisco NX-OSv in GNS3

    In provisioning a quick lab scenario inside of GNS3, I wanted to use the NX-OSv image to simulate some real hardware.  For those that may not know, as I wrote about, you can take images downloaded via the Cisco VIRL…

  • Networkinggns3esxi02

    Setup GNS3 VM VMware ESXi

    GNS3 has definitely matured as a product and offers tremendous functionality especially if you look at the cross vendor platform support that it offers.  I definitely prefer the interface of GNS3 over other products such as VIRL.  VIRL is maturing…

  • Androidscreenshots1

    Screenshot file location Samsung Galaxy S4

    I wanted to post a quick how-to on screenshots in the Samsung Galaxy S4.  Screenshots are definitely a useful functional feature especially if you are wanting to capture what you really see on your phone screen.  It is definitely a…

  • Windowsrobofeat

    How to add a file copy progress indicator to scripts

    One of the frustrating things with scripting and copying files is knowing where in the file copy your copy actually is.  Especially if you are copying a very large file that is several gigs, you can definitely benefit from knowing…