• KubernetesK3s Traefik Dashboard Enable and configuration

    K3s Traefik Dashboard Enable and Configuration

    As organizations start to build modern applications and transition from traditional monolithic apps to microservices, many are using containerized workloads running on top of Kubernetes. However, Kubernetes is not a technology for the faint of heart. It can present challenges…

  • LinuxSimulating a failure and running the check monitoring script

    Create a Linux Service Monitoring Script

    You may have mission-critical workloads running on Linux Server such as Nginx that you want to monitor to ensure the service is healthy. Using a Bash script, we can easily create a piece of script code that can monitor a…

  • VDIThinman Server Console

    Thin Client Cloud Management with Praim ThinMan

    Today’s organizations are working in a more hybrid configuration than ever before and supporting a diverse hybrid workforce, working in corporate headquarters, remote branches, from their homes, and managing thin client cloud environments. It often includes continuous mobility or commuting.…

  • VMwareRoot account services and syslog along with VCHA

    Troubleshooting vCenter Appliance with vSphere Diagnostic Tool Fling

    Have you found yourself troubleshooting vCenter Appliance VCSA with various commands, scripts, and tools? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a single utility to troubleshoot vCenter Appliance in the box without outside requirements? The vSphere Diagnostic Tool Fling is just…

  • ContainersDocker architecture and components

    Best Docker Containers for Home Server

    Many are delving into learning containers and Kubernetes. With this, having your own home lab environment is especially valuable in tinkering and setting up an environment for learning. This post will focus on the best Docker containers for home server…

  • Backup SoftwareNAKIVO Backup and Replication v10.6 allows backing up NAS and file shares

    NAS Backup Strategy with NAKIVO Backup and Replication v10.6

    Not long ago, I covered the beta release of NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.6 with many new features. You can read my coverage of the beta release here. Now, NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.6 has been released as GA. Let’s…

  • Software Defined StorageStarWind HCA appliance architecture with VMware vSphere

    Hyperconverged Infrastructure Trends in 2022

    Unquestionably, hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is gaining tremendous momentum and adoption in the enterprise data center. In a recent study by the ISG (Information Services Group), in 2020, the HCI market was around $7 billion. The expected revenue will grow substantially…

  • KubernetesViewing events for a particular K3s Kubernetes node

    K3s dashboard install and configuration

    The K3s lightweight Kubernetes distribution is a great Kubernetes distribution across many different use cases. I have been using K3s in the home lab for various purposes. How can you get a K3s dashboard up and running once you have…

  • KubernetesUsing K3D qnd kubectl to interact with the Kubernetes cluster

    Install K3s on Ubuntu with K3D in Docker

    Are you making the transition to Kubernetes in your learning path? If you haven’t taken the plunge as of yet, there are many great learning tools available for learning Kubernetes and spinning up a K8s cluster quickly and easily. I…

  • TanzuConfiguring VMware Tanzu Workload Management from vSphere Client

    vSphere Integrated Containers vs Tanzu

    When it comes to running containers on VMware infrastructure, many options are available. If you have been around VMware technologies for some time now, undoubtedly, you have heard about vSphere Integrated Containers (VIC). However, VMware has recently introduced the VMware…