Azure Stack HCI

  • 2023 03 07 15 47 24

    Azure Stack HCI vs. Windows Server Hyper-V Webinar

    Virtualization host technologies for enterprises have changed significantly over the past decade, with virtualization vendors like VMware and Microsoft releasing new features and offerings to meet the challenges found in the enterprise data center. Virtualization has also leaned more toward…

  • Azure stack HCI vs Hyper-V

    Unquestionably, enterprise virtualization host technologies have changed over the past decade. The big virtualization vendors, such as VMware, Microsoft, and others have released new features and offerings to continue to help meet the challenges found in the enterprise data center.…

  • Windows Rebootless Hotpatching coming to on premises environments

    Windows Rebootless Hotpatching coming to on-premises environments

    It has often felt like the bane of an IT administrator’s existence – Windows Updates. Patching Windows servers is especially challenging in many ways and can lead to long hours of patching and maintenance periods due to the downtime that…

  • What is Azure Stack HCI

    Azure Stack HCI 21H2 Released Download New Features

    Recently, at Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft announced Azure Stack HCI 21H2 Released Download New Features and detailed some really nice enhancements. Let’s detail these. What is Azure Stack HCI? In case you haven’t heard of Azure Stack HCI, it is the…

  • Installing-Azure-Stack-HCI-in-VMware-vSphere

    Installing Azure Stack HCI in VMware vSphere

    Microsoft has released the preview release of Azure Stack HCI. Azure Stack HCI is Microsoft’s hyper-converged cluster solution that allows running virtualized Windows and Linux workloads running in a hybrid environment. With Azure Stack HCI, Microsoft has provided a solution…