
  • Devops guide install terraform

    Install Terraform DevOps Beginners Guide

    Getting started with DevOps is a great way to introduce yourself to the more modern way of controlling infrastructure as code with tools that treat building infrastructure by its definition in infrastructure code. In this way, you can provision infrastructure…

  • PowerShell Get Registry

    PowerShell Get Registry Value

    The Windows Registry and registry editor have long been tools Windows admins have used to resolve issues, apply settings, etc. However, PowerShell makes automating registry changes or programmatically getting registry keys and their values very easy. PowerShell can interact with…

  • Enter PSSession Running PowerShell Remote Commands

    Enter-PSsession: Run PowerShell Remote Commands

    Windows PowerShell has switched up the Windows Server game. Think of PowerShell remoting like a remote control, reaching out to run commands on a distant computer. At the center of this sits Enter-PSSession, a key player that sets up a…

  • PSWindowsUpdate Automated Windows Updates with PowerShell

    PSWindowsupdate: Automated Windows Updates with PowerShell

    The process to install Windows Updates can be a pain. Managing WSUS servers can be a headache too. However, with PowerShell, a special module, and some automation, we can schedule and automate the installation process of Windows Updates. Let’s look…

  • Ansible Software Patching for Beginners

    Ansible is a powerful open-source automation platform designed to help administrators manage and automate various tasks across their infrastructure. Open-source technologies like Ansible are awesome for automation! Ansible helps simplify the deployment, configuration, and patch management processes, making it an…

  • Ansible Docker Container Management Playbooks

    Two very powerful free and open-source solutions that you may have heard about already are Ansible and Docker. What are these tools? How can you use them? Also, how can you use them together? Let’s look at Ansible Docker container…

  • Choosing the Best VMware Automation Tools

    Providing streamlined and consistent management across the virtual estate is extremely important when using enterprise virtualization servers to run virtual machines in the enterprise data center. Managing a vSphere environment can require performing many different management tasks that are tedious…

  • Enabling the unattended upgrades for your Ubuntu server

    Apt Periodic Autoclean Interval with Unattended-Upgrades

    If you have a number of Linux servers in your environment, whether these are in production environments or in the home lab, you want to keep your Linux servers up-to-date with security patches across the board. Manually logging in and…

  • Running the packer build with the new HCL2 files in place

    Convert Packer Variables JSON to HCL2 for automated vSphere templates

    One of the tasks I have been working on lately is getting my Packer vSphere build templates converted over from JSON to the new preferred HCL2 language as of Packer 1.7.2. This is the preferred language to write your Packer…

  • Running packer build Ubuntu 22.04

    Packer Build Ubuntu 22.04 for VMware vSphere

    Yesterday, Ubuntu released the latest in the line of LTS versions of Ubuntu Server and Workstation. Ubuntu 22.04 is a great release featuring many new features and enhancements to the Ubuntu family of operating systems. If you are like me,…