Backup Software

Nakivo Backup and Replication 6.2 Install Review

Take a look at this Nakivo Backup and Replication 6.2 Install Review where we take a look at the latest release from Nakivo to its very powerful backup...

Nakivo Backup and Replication 6.2 released to the public!ย  It is better than ever with better performance and reliability built into the new version. ย NBR 6.2 is the same solid interface, look and feel that we have grown accustomed to with the NBR product and improves on that rock solid platform that has made it one of the fastest growing backup companies out there. ย Nakivo totally nails being able to provide a scalable andย reliableย backup platform without the complexities of other solutions out there. ย Let’s take a look atย the Nakivo Backup and Replication 6.2 Install Review.

Nakivo Backup and Replication 6.2ย Install Review

The new features of NBR 6.2 make its “cloud DNA” even stronger. ย The features listed in the 6.2 release include:

  • Full support for AWS EC2 instances sold through AWS Marketplace: NAKIVO Backup & Replication v6.2 now provides a simple, reliable, and affordable way to back up paid AWS EC2 instances, sold through the AWS Marketplace.
  • Automated Transporter deployment in AWS Cloud: In order to back up EC2 instances in an AWS region, a Transporter should be deployed in that region. During backup job creation, v6.2 will now suggest and automatically deploy a new Transporter, if it’s not available in a particular region.
  • Automated Transporter Instance start and shutdown in AWS: To save costs, Transporter instances in AWS can be automatically powered off if there are no tasks for them. Once a task is available for a particular AWS Transporter, v6.2 will power it on for the duration of the task.
  • Improved display of alarms and notifications: Job and group dashboards now aggregate alarms and notifications in the Info widget for a cleaner and a more consistent look.

Deployment and Installation Experience

Nakivo has one if not the quickest deployments of a backup solution which canย be up and running in just a few minutes via an appliance. ย You literally can go from downloading the appliance to backing up VMs in minutes, not hours. ย With 6.2 the same deployment and same easy setup that we are accustomed to with NBR in the past is still intact with 6.2. ย We didn’t expect changes here, but it is always good to see there are no surprises.

The virtual appliance mechanism is such a great idea since it is lightweight, agile, and can easily be deployed across sites, environments, cloud, etc. ย The footprint is small and can scale according to your needs as environments change.

Backup and Restore Jobs

Backing VMs up and restoring VMs in NBR 6.2 is very simple, intuitive, and efficient. ย The simple point and click wizard that you employ for both backups and restores, makes the process painless. ย There are (4) basic steps to getting a VM backed up using NBR 6.2.

Selectย the VM resource you want to backup.


Specify the target repository.

Set the schedule for backups.

Finally, configure any additional job options.


The restore process is equally as painless. ย There are (3) steps to restoring a VM. ย First you select the VMs to recover from the backup job.


Next, we select the compute, storage, and network resources to restore the VM back to.


Finally, we specify job options such as recovery mode, MAC addresses, etc.


Also, in the advanced options we can control how the naming of the VM happens in the restore as well as any pre or post operations to initiate with the restore.


Cloud features

As mentioned, the cloud DNA with Nakivo Backup and Replication keeps getting better with expanded features for AWS backups. ย Now NBR 6.2 will look and see if you have transporter resources inย a particular region of the EC2 instance you are backing up and if not, it will suggest that you deploy one in that region for faster and more efficient backups.

Also, with the pay for what you use concept that exists with Amazon AWS, NBR 6.2 will automatically power off transporter instances that are not in use so you have the most efficient and cost effective backup infrastructure with NBR 6.2.


In this Nakivo Backup and Replication 6.2 Install Review, Nakivo has shown that it is still an elegant, powerful, stable, feature rich, and cloud ready backup solution that can scale with your organization. ย This product keeps getting better with each release.

Head over to and download the free trial version or a qualifying NFR license to give this very worthy backup solution the time and attention it deserves.

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Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at and has over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.

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