windows update

  • SecurityAutomate-CurveBall-Crypt32.dll-Patching

    Automate CurveBall Crypt32.dll Patching

    With the recent developments with CurveBall Crypt32.dll, everyone is no doubt thinking about patching their Windows environments and doing this quickly. Even if you have WSUS in play, you may want to do something a little more proactive on your…

  • SecurityDownload-Crypt32.dll-Patch-Tuesday-Security-Rollup

    Download CurveBall Crypt32.dll Patch Tuesday Security Rollup

    Update 1.16.2020 – New name coined “CurveBall” for the Crypt32.dll vulnerability. Update 1.15.2020 – It appears that only Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016/2019 are affected. However, there is another RDS bug that is equally bad that affects older Windows…