
  • Securityopenwrtvspfsense2

    OpenWRT vs pfSense: Best Open Source Firewall Solution

    In open-source firewall solutions, there are many options. However, two names frequently appear within the networking community: OpenWRT and pfSense. Both platforms offer a long list of features, yet their implementation and usage vary significantly. This comparison of OpenWRT vs…

  • Self hosted

    Self-hosted ChatGPT Chatbot UI in Docker

    With the rising prominence of chatbots in various industries and applications, businesses and individuals are increasingly interested in creating self-hosted ChatGPT solutions with engaging and user-friendly chatbot user interfaces (UIs). In this blog post, we will delve into McKay Wrigley’s…

  • Self hostedheimdallthumb

    Heimdall Dashboard: Organize and Access Home Lab Apps

    When you start to amass dozens or even hundreds of services in your home lab, between containers, hosts, networking gear, Kubernetes, and many other services, keeping up with it all can be difficult. That is where a home lab dashboard…