
  • Vmware monitoring for free

    VMware Monitoring for Free with Telegraf InfluxDB and Grafana

    There are a lot of expensive VMware vSphere monitoring tools out there from enterprise vendors that work really well and have a lot of bells and whistles to monitor VMware ESXi hosts, virtual machines, vCenter Server, and vSphere monitoring in…

  • Ovirt install

    oVirt Install with GlusterFS Hyperconverged Single Node – Sort of

    I haven’t really given oVirt a shot in the home lab environment to play around with another free and open-source hypervisor. So, I finally got around to installing it in a nested virtual machine installation running in VMware vSphere. I…

  • Vmware workstation pro now free

    VMware Workstation Pro Free for Personal Use Download

    Well, just when we thought that Broadcom was going to charge for everything and leave home lab enthusiasts and others high and dry, they have made an announcement that may soften some of the changes we have seen over recent…

  • Jumbo frames configured on the vmkernel port

    Cannot connect to host VMware storage Migration

    In moving a lot of VMs around over the past couple of days trying to get my home lab resources situated so I could start consolidating down my server resources for the hot summer months, I ran into a problem…

  • Vmware migration to microsoft options

    VMware migration to Microsoft options

    There has certainly been massive disruption in the VMware camp over the past several months. Now that the Broadcom purchase is final, Broadcom has introduced tectonic changes to VMware products, solutions, licensing, and even their partner program. It would be…

  • Vmware three tips

    Three Simple Things to Make VMware ESXi More Secure

    If you are like me in production and home lab environments, I am always looking for low-hanging fruit to make things better, faster, more efficient, and more secure. There are three things that you can do in VMware ESXi to…

  • Nutanix vs vmware 2024

    Nutanix vs VMware in 2024

    With the major shakeup happening in the virtualization industry in 2024, most organizations are looking at their options and what platform they want to move forward with. The buyout of VMware by Broadcom, price hikes, and elimination of free ESXi…

  • Best kvm based hypervisor in 2024

    Best KVM based Hypervisors in 2024

    This may very well be the year of KVM-based hypervisors in 2024, aside from other options like Microsoft Hyper-V. Many are looking at different options this year for virtualization technologies to run their enterprise infrastructure on-premises as the fear, uncertainty,…

  • Build xen orchestra

    How to build Xen Orchestra from Source code

    Xen Orchestra (XO) is the “vcenter like” frontend tool for managing XCP-ng hypervisor. It is freely available from Vates along with the free XCP-ng hypervisor as a xen orchestra turnkey appliance (XOA). One of the extremely cool things you can…

  • Vmware broadcom lessons

    VMware by Broadcom Lesson: Don’t base your career on a product

    I have been involved or at least associated with VMware solutions and infrastructure since circa 2004, which is quite a long time. Like most I was blown away by the technology when I first saw what it could do and…