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Suddenlink offers unlimited data for small fee

Suddenlink offers unlimited data for small fee

The rumors have been confirmed – Suddenlink offers unlimited data for small fee for existing customers. ย New customers can actually take advantage of a free offer for unlimited data package for the first year.

Suddenlink offers unlimited data

After hearing the rumor, I decided to chat with Suddenlink on the rumor I had heard for a year of free unlimited data and then a small fee after this. ย Apparently, this is only for new customers. ย For new customers, you can sign up for unlimited data for $0 per month for the first year. ย Then the rate is $5 a month for the next year, and then $10 a month for every year after that.

For existing customers, the offer is $5 a month for the first year, and then $10 a month for the years following. ย If you want to upgrade your service, you can take advantage of the “new customer” offering and have the first year of unlimited data for $0 a month.

The customer service rep assured me of a couple of things:

  • This is for both uploadย and download, so no caps on the upload
  • You can decide at any time to do away with the unlimited data on your plan. ย There is no contractual obligation for a set time period.


This is a great move in the right direction that Suddenlink offers unlimited data as speeds get faster and faster, the data caps have so far stayed in place. ย To have a reasonable option for truly unlimited data for power users and others who stream or who wan to pull or push large amounts of data from their home labs, this is a great option.

For those who flirt with overage charges from Suddenlink every month, this is a great deal. ย Typical overage charges are $10 for every 50GB used over your rate plan, so the small monthly unlimited fee would quickly pay for itself.

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Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at and has over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.

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