
  • KubernetesKubernetes v1.30 new features

    Kubernetes v1.30 New Features

    Kubernetes is an exciting technology in production and in the home lab that is continually evolving. Kubernetes v1.30 is set to bring many exciting changes. Among these changes are new features in alpha, established features that are making their way…

  • Project PacificVMware-Project-Pacific-vs-VIC-vs-PKS

    VMware Project Pacific vs VIC vs PKS

    Arguably, the biggest news coming out of VMworld 2019 in the US was Project Pacific. This is one of the greatest advancements in vSphere technology in over a decade. With the release of Project Pacific, VMware has embraced Kubernetes in…

  • VMwareVMware-Photon-OS-1.0-Booting

    What is VMware Photon OS?

    Today most vendors are putting a lot of emphasis on “cloud native” applications.  Cloud native applications are geared toward containers and containerized applications.  This makes possible running microservices inside containers with the ability to function in cloud computing environments and…