2 factor

  • Horizon ViewEnable-Two-Factor-Authentication-for-VMware-Horizon-UAG

    Enable Two-Factor Authentication for VMware Horizon UAG

    Are you finding yourself ramping up efforts on remote workers lately due to Coronavirus? Are you working on ramping up VMware Horizon environments to enable your remote workers. From a security standpoint, you want to make sure you secure your…

  • home labrdpsec04

    Securing RDP access to Home Lab

    One of the cool things about having a home lab is being able to reach it from anywhere.  Of course, when thinking about how you are going to make your lab accessible from the Internet, we always have to think…

  • Securityduo01

    Setup RDP Two Factor Authentication with Duo Security

    Remote desktop servers that are sitting out in DMZ’s or just forward facing RDP enabled servers are security risks at best since they are configured to answer to remote desktop sessions by design or purpose.  No matter how strong your…

  • Securitysecurity_01

    How to Increase Home Network Security

    Let’s face it, these days, our digital security is under attack just about anywhere we are and access our data.  However, we may not think about security when we are at home.  After all, home is our private place, our…