
  • Installing-and-Connecting-PowerShell-Az-Module-with-Microsoft-Azure

    Installing and Connecting PowerShell Az Module with Microsoft Azure

    Interacting with Microsoft Azure is certainly achievable with the Azure portal, however, perhaps one of the huge advantages and features of cloud environment such as Microsoft Azure is the ability to interact programmatically with all aspects of the cloud. Microsoft’s…

  • Create-the-Azure-Virtual-Network-Gateway

    Configure Meraki to Azure Site to Site VPN

    Lately, I have been playing around a lot with Azure as there is a lot of momentum, development, and enthusiasm around the platform.  Since I run the Meraki MX security device at home, I wanted to play around with the…

  • azure05

    Setup Azure Linux Public Key Authentication

    In working with Linux VMs in Azure, there are a couple of ways to setup authentication.  One being standard password authentication, and the other is Public Key Autentication.  With Public Key Authentication, a key pair is generated.  The public key…